California Polytechnic State University – Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences
Dr. Christopher A. Dicus is a Professor and Coordinator of the Wildland Fire and Fuels Management Program at California Polytechnic State University. Dr. Dicus is the current President of the Association for Fire Ecology (an international scientific society) and is also Coordinator of the Wildland Urban Interface Module of the California Fire Science Consortium. He has participated in many post-fire disaster assessments, including the 2007 Southern California Fire Siege and the 2009 Black Saturday Fires in Victoria, Australia. He has spoken at over 80 international and national conferences, including the keynote speaker at the 2009 Department of Homeland Security Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Research Colloquium and the 2010 Australia-United States Joint Research Symposium in Melbourne, Australia. A manuscript that he authored on various issues in the Wildland-Urban Interface was recently named in the “Best Papers 2005-2015” for the journal Fire Ecology.