James Stockwell is a registered practicing architect working in 4 states in Australia and New Zealand. James has taught and lectured nationally and internationally and the works of the practice have been extensively published, filmed and exhibited. Projects include public and private buildings, apartments, medium density projects, wineries, a preschool and houses.
The primary objective of the practice is to turn practical function including passive solar design into inspiring architecture.
ʻ Biophilicʼ is a more recent term used for this approach to architecture that works more closely with the elements and natural systems.
In recent years the practice has received several state and national awards including the Wilkinson, the Blackett Award and the Alan and Beth Coldicutt Award for Sustainability in Victoria. James Stockwell Architect was project architect for 2 Robin Boyd Award winning residences.
The practice of James Stockwell Architect concerns achieving architectural quality for practical client needs and budget. Essential objectives include owner delight and inspiration, climatic sensibility, cultural relevance, sustainable technology (low maintenance) and structural efficiency.
Projects exhibit minimal energy usage, low embodied energy materials and construction methods, and maximizing the climatic/site opportunity. Climatic response includes passive solar design, thermal mass, natural ventilation, interior /exterior microclimate design, rainwater reuse and possibilities of wind, solar and geothermal energy usage where available.
The practice manages budgetary responsibility, working within multi-disciplinary teams, responsibility to the community and user groups and the constraint of time management.
The practice responds to the landscape, elements and unique resourcefulness in nature and human habitation that give shape to enduring decisions of built space.