Bushfire Consulting Services Pty Ltd provides Bushfire Hazard Assessment Reports for additions and alterations to dwellings, new dwellings, Special Fire Protection Purposes and rural/ residential subdivisions.
We also provide Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Certificates and confirmation of compliance of plans or completed developments to the determined BAL. In addition, we are increasingly providing construction advice to builders throughout their bushfire prone land projects. This service minimises potentially costly errors easily made during construction. Our Reports and Certificates are suitable for submission to local Councils as part of the Development Application process or Certifying Authorities for Complying Development Certificates. They adhere to Planning for Bushfire Protection 2006, AS 3959-2009 Construction of Buildings in Bushfire Prone Areas and the Building Code of Australia, whilst being mindful of the need to minimise the client’s expenses.
Catherine has a Graduate Diploma in Bushfire Protection from the University of Western Sydney and is a Fire Protection Association Australia BPAD-Level 3 Certified Practitioner, (BPAD20751), which places her in the category of a “recognised qualified consultant”.